Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Here is my first official post on my new blog. We'll see how this works for me if I can figure it out to keep it going! I'll never know if I don't try right! I figure that I can spend some of the time that I normally use looking at everyone else's BLOGs making on of my own. I don't if anyone out there will want to follow it, but I think it will be fun just to see if I can get it accomplished and have a place to post what I am working on at home right now. Today, my diet has been my biggest struggle, I am trying to follow Weight Watchers and actually succeed at it. I have been trying for 2 years now and I figure I either need to follow through or quit, and I am not really happy with myself right now, so I need to commit to it and follow through. Well, I need to get to sleep so I will log off for tonight and post this and see what it looks like! Have a very restful night!